K. K. Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich and his reports for the Imperial Archaeological Commission
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[1] S[ee] wall A on the plan as attached to the 1st chapter of 1897 report of the excavations in the city-site of Chersonesos (1897 Otch[et] Imp[eratorskoy] Arkheolog[icheskoy] Kom[issii], p. 91, fig. 203).
[2] S[ee] wall Д on the plan as attached to ch[apter] II of 1895 report of the excavations in the city-site (1895 Otch[et] Imp[eratorskoy] Arkheolog[icheskoy] Kom[issii], p. 95, fig. 241).
[3] S[ee] the plan as attached to ch[apter] I of 1897 report of the excavations in the city-site of Chersonesos.
[4] They are described by acad[emician] V. V. Latyshev in Materialy po arkheologii Rossii (Materials for the archaeology of Russia), vol. 23, p. 13, cat. no. 10.
[5] S[ee] ibid., p. 19, cat. no. 22 [= Latyshev V. V. (Latyschev B.), Inscr[iptiones antiquae] orae sept[entrionalis] P[onti] Eux[ini graecae et latinae], St. Petersburg, 1901, V[ol]. IV, cat. no. 188].
[6] S[ee] ibid., p. 25, cat. no. 37 [= ibid., cat. no. 180].
[7] S[ee] ibid., p. 20, cat. no. 27 [= ibid., cat. no. 161].
[8] S[ee] ibid., p. 19, cat. no. 23 [= ibid., cat. no. 129].
[9] Similar handles with stamps of Byzantine period are extremely rare.
[10] There are 8 blue stripes going from the centre of the bowl against ash-colored background; in corners formed by them there are white stripes parallel to blue ones, and in the former corners white palmettes are located; outer glazing is white. This is the best of the great number of potsherds of glazed ware discovered during 11 years because of the beauty of the design and high quality of fabric and glazing.
[11] There is light-green dot in the middle of 19 commas located inside of a circle, against dark-green glaze. Outer side is unglazed though ribbed.
[12] Another one, mentioned when describing the gate, is left in situ in front of the tower.
[13] In Burachkov's cat[alogue], pl[ate] XVI, nos. 104, 108, 110, and 118.
[14] Of Justinian I (in Burachkov's cat[alogue], pl[ate] XVII, cat. no. 121), Michael III and Basil I (cat. no. 131), Basil I (cat. nos. 132 and 134), of him and Constantine IX (cat. no. 135), Leo VI (cat. nos. 137 and 138), Romanus I (cat. no. 142), Constantine Х (cat. no. 145), Romanus II (cat. no. 149), Basil II (cat. no. 152).
[15] As of good state of preservation, Bur[achkov] pl[ate] I, cat. no. 1, 1 p[iece].
[16] Small, of poor state of preservation, 1 p[iece].
[17] Of Julius Philippos the son, silver, of good state of preservation,1 p[iece]; of Maximianus I, big, bronze, of good state of preservation, 1 p[iece]; Late Roman and Byzantine Imperial, 44 p[ieces].
[18] S[ee] 1895 Otch[et] Imp[eratorskoy] Arkheolog[icheskoy] Kom[missii], p[age] 95.
[19] S[ee] 1897 report of the excavations in the city-site (1897 Otch[et] Imp[eratorskoy] Arkheolog[icheskoy] Kom[missii], p[age] 91 f.).
[20] S[ee] 1897 Otchet Imp[eratorskoy] Arkh[eologicheskoy] Kom[missii], p[age] 97 f.
[21] Their transverse section is shaped like a trapezium, which parallel sides are: inner narrow 0.22 m and outer wide 0,44m. Maximum length of stones is 1.2 m. Marble and stone doorsteps are left, untouched, in original position, though the stones of vault are moved to the warehouse of antiquity.
[22] Mat[erialy] po arkh[eologii] Rissii (Materials for the archaeology of Russia), vol. 17, p. 83 f. [= V. V. Latyshev, Sbornik grech[eskikh] nadpisey khrist[ianskikh] vremen iz yuzhnoy Rossii (A collection of Greek inscriptions of the Byzantine Age from south Russia), St. Petersburg, 1896, p. 15 f., cat. no. 8].
[23] This inscription has been published by V. V. Latyshev in Mat[erialy] po arkheologii Rissii, vol. 23, p. 49, cat. no. 46.
[24] Such tablets with names of the buried persons were installed into steles of local stone.
[25] Similar necklaces were found in 1893 and 1896 at tomb no. 354 and in catacomb no. 684 (s[ee] 1893 Otchet Imp[eratorskoy] Arkh[eologicheskoy] Kom[missii], p[age] 65, and 1896 Otchet, p. 188).
[26] Inasmuch as potsherds of broken ware were thrown away outside the city wall, the excavations provided immediately outside the wall and down to the very bedrock revealed the full picture of, let us say, "rubbish deposited in every period".
[27] This fragment is not represented on the figure.
[28] It is published by V. V. Latyshev in Mater[ialy] po arkheol[ogii] Rissii, vol. 23, p. 17-18, cat. no. 20, and in Inscr[iptiones antiquae] orae sept[entrionalis] P[onti] Eux[ini graecae et latinae], St. Peterburg, 1901, vol. IV, cat. no. 142.
[29] S[ee] Mater[ialy] po arkheologii Rissii, vol. 23, p. 20, cat. no. 26 [=Latyshev, Inscr[iptiones antiquae] orae sept[entrionalis] P[onti] Eux[ini graecae et latinae], [vol.] IV, cat. no. 158].
[30] S[ee] ibid., p. 6-7, № 3 [=ibid. cat. no. 69].
[31] S[ee] ibid., p. 34-36, cat. no. 43.
[32] S[ee] ibid., p. 27-30, cat. no. 41.
[33] If it is really cross, but not a simple decoration, this find should be considered extremely rare.
[34] They were uncovered not fare from the marble horse's head described above (s[ee] p. 117, cat. no 8) and perhaps constituted bridle ornament.
[35] Totally similar plate was found in big tomb no. 429, with 2-pitches lid as shown in 1894 Otch[ot] Arkh[eologicheskoy] Kom[missii], p. 64, cat. no. 87.
[36] The idea and details of the necklace and other decorations are very similar to jewels discovered in 1896 in the inner tomb no. 630, associated with single skeleton, in the other, remote area of the necropolis, located in the southern side of the hollow, and at the same time dated by A. L. Berthier Delagarde to the 1st century A. D. However, inasmuch as no coins were found in the latter tomb, there is no data for more precise determination of the period when the fashion for such necklaces, composed of medallions with butterfly hanged to the necklace and decorated with precious stones and multicolored glasses existed in Chersonesos. Now a possibility to determine this period appears, because lead urn no. 5 contained, together with the necklace, silver coin, of good state of preservation, minted by the emperor Domotian (A. D. 81-96). Besides that, this coin determines the time when local coins with Apollo's head and 3 starting letters of the city name within wreath (Burachkov's catal[ogue], pl[ate] XVI, cat. no. 91) circulated in Chersonesos, because similar coin, of good state of preservation, was found in lead urn no. 1; countermarks showing standing Artemis (Burachkov, pl[ate] XVI, no. 120) were applied to big bronze coins with worn-off because of use images and inscriptions of that time, as it can be seen from similar coin (with countermark) excavated in the tomb under the investigation (no. 1009) in association with skeleton. It should be added that beauty stone tomb no. 429 with gable roof investigated in 1894 in the most remote area of necropolis, 0.70 m fare from the main defensive wall A, in between of the latter and wall Б, should also be dated to the 1st century A. D., as it contained Chersonesos coin with Apollo's (?) head and Nice and 78 year of Chersonesos era (A. D. 54). Gold pendant similar to two pendants that appeared in urn no. 2 from tomb no. 1009 was found here as well. Excavated here necklace by its size is smaller than the one discovered in 1896 and can not compete it with value of stones, beauty of treatment (especially of butterfly and chains) and state of preservation.
[37] Lower slabs with rectangular cuts were many times found as a building material in tombs of the Roman period.
[38] These stones are preserved to the height of 0.49 m only, as one course, in a level with the defensive wall that collapsed at low, to which, as it was discovered by 1894 investigations, various warehouses had been annexed in Late Byzantine period. The sitting was cut as a semicircle of unbroken stone with groove-shape step for draining. The door is 0.8 m w[ide]. Draining channel was cut from the beginning of semicircular sitting and through the wall, with considerable incline towards the bay; it is laerly visible at fig. no. 1 in 1895 Otchet Arkh[eologicheskoy] Kom[nissii], p. 2 and was misinterpreted as the city drain gutter.
[39] This monument is published by V. V. Latyshev in 28 volume of Materialy po arkheologii Rissii, p[ages] 9-11, cat. no. 6, and in Inscr[iptiones antiquae] o[rae] s[eptentrionalis] P[onti] Eux[ini graecae et latinae], v[ol.] IV, cat. no. 91.

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