[1] |
The squeeze has not been made due to very bad condition of the inscription. |
[2] |
It construction is similar to the drain, part of which survived in the square in front of the warehouse of antiquities. |
[3] |
There is similar fragment, with absolutely the same roughly made details but with survived feet in sandals and with pedestal depicting turtle and hare, that was uncovered by the excavations in the city site in 1890. |
[4] |
This is the first time when a coin of Istria was found. |
[5] |
One coin of Leo VI and Alexander is lead. |
[6] |
S<ee> Burachkov’s Sbornik, pl. XVII, 142. |
[7] |
This exactly repeats the phenomenon fixed in course of 1895 excavations of the south defensive wall (s<ee> 1895 Otchёt <Arkheologicheskoy> Komissii [Archaeological Commission Report], p. 96). |
[8] |
Russkiye drevnosti v pamyatnikakh iskusstva (Russian antiquities in monuments of art), vol. IV, p. 22. |
[9] |
The so-called Uvarov basilica was reconstructed in the same period, which is proved by 19 bronz<e> coins of the same emperor discovered under the communion table. |
[10] |
Publ<ished> by acad<emician> V. V. Latyshev in 23rd vol<ume> of Materialy po arkheologii Rossii (Materials for the archaeology of Russia), p. 50, cat. no. 47. |
[11] |
These fragments of reliecs consisted of bones, probably from fingers, and, according to father archimandrite’s explanation, were blackened because of fire; they probably belonged to still unknown saint martyred for his Christian preach and died on the stake. |
[12] |
Prof<essor> N. V. Pokrovskiy in 30th volume of Tserkovnyy vestnik (Church gerald), 1897, expressed the following opinion in regard to the uncovered reliquary: “According to the iconographic types, especially that of the Mother of God, young-looking and beauty, as well as of angels and saints resembling the types of the ancient mosaics from Ravenna, and also because of the similarity of the aggregate shape of the reliquary and the sarcophagi of Ravenna, it seems possible to date this newly discovered monument to the sixth century; in this case, this is rare and important monument both because of its historical and art significance.” |
[13] |
At the first look, this basin was baptismal font. In A. L. Berthier Delagarde’s opinion, it was “big wash-bowl for pouring out water when performing ablution of hands and church vessels.” |
[14] |
Publ<ished> by acad<emician> V. V. Latyshev in 23rd volume of Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], p. 24, cat. no. 35. |
[15] |
The dimensions of the parts of the church that survived are as follows. Outer length (from the main entrance to the beginning of the apse) 22 m. Maximum outer width 19.5 m. Radius of the apse: 2.64 m; radius of the semicircle free from the benches: 1.42 m; min entrance width: 2.15 m. Height of the walls at the western pier: 3.8 m; at the 2nd pier: 2.2 m; at the turn to the e<ast>: 2.15 m.
At the window --- inside: 3,55 м, outside: 2,15 м.
At the basin --- inside: 2,85 м, outside: 1,95 м.
At the window --- inside: 2,2 м, outside: 2,2 м.
In the apse, at the window --- inside: 2,85 м, outside: 2,35 м.
In the apse, at the window --- inside: 2,65 м, outside: 2,2 м.
In the apse, at the window --- inside: 2,65 м, outside: 2,6 м.
In the vestry, near the shelf --- » 2,15 м, » 1,8 м.
At the marble threshold of the main entrance --- » 1,7 м, » 1,85 м.
At the door: II --- » 2,2 м, » 2,2 м.
» III --- » 1,95 м, » 1,95 м.
» IV и V, the same as at the closest windows and .
» VI --- » 1,25 м, » 1,25 м.
» VII --- » 0,4 м, » 0,8 м.
From the floor to the seat of the top bench --- 1,42 м.
The height of windows: --- 1,06 м.
--- 1,42 м.
--- 1,06 м.
--- 1,25 м.
--- 1,42 м.
Windows and are so damaged that it was not possible to measure their dimensions.
[16] |
There is a fragment of marble slab with a part of relief circle and one of six hearts discovered in 1889 in the basilica with mosaic floor. |
[17] |
The excavations of the necropolis in the year under report uncovered catacomb no. 902 with red clay lamp with relief image of two fishes, cought and with their heads tied together. S<ee> p. 119 below. |
[18] |
Publ<ished> by acad<emician> V. V. Latyshev in 23rd volume of Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], p. 15, cat. no. 15. |
[19] |
Such glasses were very rare in past years excavations. |
[20] |
Similar, but complete whistle was uncovered in Chersonesos in 1884 (s<ee> 1884-1885 Otchёt Odesskogo Obshchestva Ist<orii> i drevn<ostey> [The Odessa society for history and antiquities report], p. 26, cat. no. 35). |
[21] |
This end-piece was turned on lathe; after that, horizontal run-through hole of oval form was carved in it; the hole was blocked with the piece of the same form, on either side of which there is double circle with dot in centre. As this piece did not block the horizontal hole closely, it was fixed with horizontal wedge.
[22] |
Such bowls were obviously placed on roof of the churches; there are several such artifacts remained in Constantinople. |
[23] |
Tombs nos. 1-812 have been described in 1892-1896 Otchёt <Arkheol>ogicheskoy Komissii [Archaeological Commission Report]. |
[24] |
See previous tombs nos. 715, 726, and 806. |
[25] |
Similar coin is described by Ch. Ch. Gil in his Novyye priobreteniya moyego sobraniya 1891 goda (New 1891 acquisitions in my collection), p. 4, cat. no. 11, plate IV, no. 11, but with the monogram placed below deer, though in our case it is in exergue, to the left from the inscription XEP. |
[26] |
Similar bronz<e> clasp was uncovered from plundered catacomb no. 3, that was excavated by count A. A. Bobrinskiy in 1891 (s<ee> 1891Otchёt <Arkheologicheskoy> Komissii [Archaeological Commission Report], p. 140, fig. 154). |
[27] |
There are several lamps with the same inscription. |
[28] |
Similar to the ones uncovered from catacomb no. 798 (s<ee> 1896 Otchёt <Arkheologicheskoy Komissii> [Archaeological Commission Report], p. 196). |
[29] |
Dimensions of the catacombs: no 993 — 2.8 m l<ong>, 2.48 m w<ide>, and 1.65 m h<igh>; no. 994 — 2.48 m l<ong>, 1.95 m w<ide>, and 1.73 m h<igh>; no. 995 — 2.66 m l<ong>, 2.48 m w<ide>, and 1.73 m h<igh>. |
[30] |
Dimensions of the catacombs: no. 998 — 3.90 m l<ong>, 2.85 m w<ide>, and 1.68 m h<igh>, with 3 niches and exit (0.62 х 0.62 m) to the e<ast>; no. 999 — 2. 48 m l<ong>, 2.13 m w<ide>, and 1.60 m h<igh>, with one niche in the western and 2 niches in the northern wall, in two tiers, and exit (0.62 х 0.57 m) to the e<ast>. |
[31] |
Publ<ished> by acad<emician> V. V. Latyshev in 23rd volume of Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], p. 15, cat, no. 14. |
[32] |
The last service of this slab was gravestone, according to the images carved in relief on its back side: bed with two figures laying on it, in the same pose. The head of the right figure is missing, and only fragment of shoulder and arm of the left survived. Both figures haму left arm bent and hold some round artifacts in the left hand. The middle part of the bed, that survived, allows to suppose that the slab was about 0.32 m wide; hence, only about 0.08 m is missing. This inscription is publ<ished> by acad<emician> V. V. Latyshev in 23rd volume of Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], p. 19, cat. no. 24. |
[33] |
Ibid., p. 23, cat. no. 33. |
[34] |
All these parts together formed ancient Greek gravestone, probably for a child (s<ee> 1896 report of the excavations in the necropolis, p. 183 f.). |