1892 Report
The List of antiquities uncovered in 1892 in the cemetery at the south city wall of Chersonesos
Fig. 58 |
The part of this cemetery investigated in 1892 is represented on the plan as attached
(s<ee> fig<ure> no. 58)
and covers the area about 279 sq<uare> sazh<enes>. There were 245 graves uncovered from that area and described below as numbers 69-314 [1].
The mound layer above the bedrock, along the broken line в-г, was 0.5 to 1 arch<ine> thick. Maximum depth of the mound along the line а-б was 4 to 5 arch<ine>.
- The tomb was faced with fine stone [2]. The skeleton laying in it was
accompanied with: pair of gold earrings with cameos in the form of woman's head, of rough workmanship, carved into
green layer of onyx; g<old> wire child's earring; g<old> impression of coin with image of two human heads
facing each other and with traces of an inscription; silv<er> cast neck ring; broken sil<ver> finger-ring
(stone inlay from its socket has not been found); 2 br<onze> bracelets; 2 br<onze> brooches; br<onze>
buckle; gl<ass> circle with a hole; broken bone stick; 8 bon<e> beads connected by fine silv<er> chain;
13 jet semicircular beads (with 2 holes in each one); 8 beads from a certain composition; 68 gl<ass> beads;
blue glass scarab; 1 bone and 2 amber pendants; 3 br<onze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period
(s<ee> Burachkov's Obshchiy katal<og> monet, prinadl<ezhashchikh> ellinsk<im> koloniyam na beregu
Chёrn<ogo> morya [A general catalogue of coins which belong to Hellenian colonies on the Black Sea coast],
pl<ate> XVI, no. 91 and № 109, though one of them has bust of a new type).
- Bone fork in the form of female figure, of rough workmanship, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, Op.cit., pl<ate> XVI, 104).
- Earthenware single-handled urn, which contained, apart from cremated bones, a piece of sheet gold.
Fig. 59 |
- 7 gol<d> beads in the form of tubes filled with sulfur (one of 2 corner pieces has a loop and another has
a hook);44 elongated beads of pink paste; gol<d> impression of coin with unclear image; 2 cameos (probably for
earrings) in the form of woman's head, carved into white layer of three-colored onyx; big cameo of excellent
preservation, in the form of Medusa's head, also carved in white layer of onyx
(s<ee> fig. no. 59)
- The tomb was faced with large roof tiles (broken by the pressure of the mound) and marble grave stele, put on its edge, that has 2 rosettes on its top and 2 Greek inscriptions (one of 3 and another of 8 lines); this tomb contained: pair of gol<d> wire child's earrings; earthen<ware> juglet; 6 glass beads; 13 beads of some paste and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, pl<ate> XVI, 104).
- 34 glass beads; 36 paste beads, gl<ass> pendant and stone circle with a hole in it.
- 2 bone pendants in the form of human heads; cone-shaped carnelian pendant, and 76 gl<ass> beads.
- Earthenware single handled urn, that contained gl<ass> balsamarium and 3 pieces of sheet gold.
- This plundered child's tomb was faced with stone slabs and fragment of marble grave stele with extremely rough
image of a man wearing jacket, pointed cap and sandals, who held a bird pecking grapes in his hands. Below, there
is a part of Latin inscription in three lines that was carved unskillfully and in small characters:
(s<ee> fig.no. 60).
On top, one can see triangular
cover with rosette in its middle, in the form
of double circle and characters on both sides.
- 250 gl<ass> beads; 2 amb<er> beads; earthen<ware> juglet; br<onze> brooch; br<onze>
buckle and 6 silv<er> bracelets of rough workmanship.
- Double-handled earthenware cup; 4 gold oval locks for a necklace, with eyelets on either side and inserted
carved carnelians, 10 gold flat beads, each consists of 7 faceted tubes of various size soldered together;
23 gold cloth badges, circular and shell-shaped (some of them have eyelets at the bottom, others have holes for
sewing) and plain carnelian inset for finger-ring.
- Gl<ass> balsamarium; earthen<ware> juglet; earthen<ware> cup (its handle is broken off); 2 gol<d>
impressions of coin with unclear images, 14 pieces of sheet gold; 3 plain earthen<ware> lamps; grinding stone with
a hole; gl<ass> circle; round br<onze> mirror; 2 br<onze> buckles; 5 br<onze> brooches
(two of them are in the form of a fly); fragment of gol<d> setting for tetradecahedral pendants for earrings
(similar to those uncovered from tomb no. 1), bron<ze> finger-ring; bron<ze> amulet in the form of human
figure, with eyelet at the back, and 20 glass beads.
- Earthen<ware> juglet; earthen<ware> cup; 2 plain earthen<ware> lamps; earthen<ware> lamp with
letters XPY (s<ee> fig. no. 61),
piece of sulfur, and 4 amber beads.
Fig. 61 |
- Big br<onze> buckle, of rough workmanship; 3 small br<onze> buckles; 12 paste beads, and grinding stone with a hole.
- 2 glass shard beads; 1 coral bead and 10 beads of some paste; br<onze> earring with fine bell hanged to it;
2 br<onze> pendants, one in the form of toothed circle, another sword-shaped; silv<er> ring for hanging
earrings, and br<onze> buckle.
- 2 br<onze> brooches; 2 silv<er> bracelets; 2 silv<er> earrings, similar to the ones uncovered in the
catacomb grave with deformed skulls (s<ee> 1891 Report, Appendix I, p. 142); silv<er> gilt ring for hanging
these earrings; br<onze> buckle; 2 extremely small br<onze> fishhooks, and 10 beads of <glass> paste.
- 2 br<onze> brooches; br<onze> bracelet with snake heads; 2 br<onze> buckles, 2 sil<ver> earrings
(similar to those discovered in tomb no. 84); 2 small sil<ver> earrings of the same form; 2 br<onze> earrings;
3 br<onze> pendants from a necklace in the form of oval badges; carved carnelian inlay, damaged by fire, probably
for a finger-ring; 28 paste beads; 84 glass beads, and 2 pierced teeth of unknown animal.
- Pair of gol<d> earrings (absolutely the same as the earrings discovered in tomb no. 1) with rings of high standard gold;
2 silv<er> bracelets; 2 br<onze> brooches; br<onze> buckle; 2 br<onze> wire bracelets; glass circle
with hole; 2 br<onze> earrings; 8 paste beads; 38 glass beads, and 2 amber beads.
- Br<onze> bracelet; low grade silver pin with gilded but extremely damaged amphora-shaped head
(s<ee> fig. no. 62),2 br<onze>
earrings; 3 glass inlays that fell out of finger-rings, and 49 beads made of some paste.
Fig. 62 |
- G<old> impression of coin with unclear image; 3 pieces of sheet gold; iron knife blade br<onze> bracelet;
br<onze> earring, and 5 paste beads.
- Br<onze> cuff link; br<onze> brooch; br<onze> ear spoon; 24 flat, semicircular pierced beads of
jet (with two holes in each), which composed a bracelet.
- Pair of g<old> earrings with pendants in the form of bunches of grapes and having cameos similar to those uncovered from tomb no. 72; 2 earthen<ware> lamps, one is plain and another with star image; fine earthen<ware> cup; 20 faceted jet beads, and 6 glass beads.
- Earthenware single-handled urn that contained gl<ass> balsamarium and 2 pieces of sheet gold.
- Child's tomb that contained: bone knife handle, decorated with circles, each having a dot in the middle; 2 circular g<old> badges; 2 pieces of sheet gold; plain carnelian inlay for a finger-ring; 4 silv<er>, charred beads; broken silv<er> ring; 2 circular silv<er>, charred fired badges; amber bead; 2 coral beads; 6 glass shard and 42 glass beads; br<onze> buckle, and 4 br<onze> semicircular badges for a necklace.
- Broken high, narrow-neck vessel, of dark ceramic, handleless; damaged earthenware plate under black slip; 9 beads of yellow, green and blue paste with gold tubes pierced through; 14 triple beads of glass; 30 fine beads of <glass> paste; at the head of the buried person, there was br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with image of Artemis's head on one side and bull above club, the first three letters of the city's name and the name of astynomos, Heroides on the other side (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 21).
- The tomb was faced with roof tiles. High narrow-neck earthen<ware> vessel, without handles, and br<onze> coin from Amisos.
- Earthenware urn with one big and two small handles, similar to that uncovered from tomb no. 38. Apart from cremated bones, there was broken br<onze> ring.
- Single handled earthenware urn, crushed. Cremated bones and 2 narrow gold leaves.
- Pair of g<old> wire earrings, one with horseshoe hanged to it; 2 plain garnet and 2 glass inlays for finger-rings; br<onze> axe-shaped pendant; hand-shaped pendant made of green paste; 2 paste scarabs; 2 br<onze> buckles; 2 pieces of red paint; bone bead; 3 amber, 288 gl<ass> and 58 paste beads.
- Skeleton with deformed skull, which was not accompanied by grave goods.
- Bone stick with hole through its top part and bulge at the bottom that was a handle of fine bell (s<ee> tomb no. 314); pendant with composition shaped like human figure; amber bead and 12 paste beads.
- Br<onze> bracelet; 3 br<onze> finger-rings (one with oval glass); bone handle for fine bell (s<ee> tomb no. 99); 2 fragments of bone handles (one with rounded tip) and 10 paste beads.
- The tomb was faced with stone slabs and plundered. Damaged earthen<ware> juglet; silv<er> neck ring; br<onze> brooch; circular g<old> badge, and piece of sulfur.
- Earthen<ware> juglet; gl<ass> balsamarium; gl<ass> bottle; br<onze> bracelet; pair of br<onze> earrings; 3 amber, 30 coral, 1 agate, 6 paste and 126 gl<ass> beads, and 3 pieces of red paint.
- Pair of silv<er> earrings; 2 br<onze> brooches; 4 paste and 34 gl<ass> beads, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 118).
- Fragments of deformed skull, that wrecked, and two silv<er> gilt earrings with 4 round garnets inserted into each of them.
- Big silv<er> buckle; silv<er> neck ring; 4 paste beads; 2 bron<ze> earrings, and small bron<ze> bell.
- 2 earthen<ware> juglets; 35 faceted beads of green paste; amber pendant; gold oval leaf, and octahedral carnelian inlay for finger-ring with carved image of bird holding snake.
- Iron knife blade and br<onze> coin of the emperor Probus (A. D. 276-282).
- Br<onze> bracelet; 2 br<onze> earrings; 3 small br<onze> bells; pierced tooth of some animal; bone circle with a hole; 10 paste beads, and 48 glass beads.
- Child's tomb; 5 shells with holes; 10 paste beads; amber pendant, and bron<ze> key.
- The tomb was faced with stone slabs, and plundered. Artifacts that remained are: earthen<ware> juglet; earthen<ware> cup; earthen<ware> bowl, and 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- Broken earthen<ware> pitcher; br<onze> bracelet; br<onze> buckle, and 26 glass beads.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> cup, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- Pair of br<onze> earrings (similar to the ones uncovered from tombs nos. 1 and 86); 2 br<onze> buckles; 5 fine br<onze> bells, and 5 paste beads.
- Bronze finger-ring.
- Bone ring; br<onze> buckle, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 110).
- 10 silv<er>, damaged by fire, parts of a casket (corner-plates and leaves of vine); bron<ze> circular openwork lid with handle in the middle; 33 faceted beads of green paste; 2 amber beads, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- Silv<er> neck ring; 2 earthen<ware> pitchers; 8 paste beads, 5 glass beads, and silv<er> ring to hang earrings.
- . Pair of br<onze> earrings (similar to the ones found in tombs nos. 1, 86, and 113), and 46 gl<ass> beads.
- Child's tomb was located under tomb no. 118. At the head of the skeleton, there was bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with image of deer-striking Artemis on one side and bull above club on the other; the inscriptions do not remain (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 37).
- Fine bron<ze> bell and bron<ze> circular badge for a necklace; bron<ze> earring; 4 paste beads; bron<ze> Gr<eek> coin with a hole (the images are not clear).
- 6 g<old> sewing badges (2 of them are shaped like pointed caps, 3 are circular with stars, and one is rectangular, with a bird; cf. 1891 Otchёt Arkheologicheskoy Komissii [Archaeological Commission report], pp. 139 and 143); 2 g<old> tubes with eyelets; 2 g<old> bell-shaped pendants; 2 pieces of sheet gold; frog-shaped paste pendant; 2 amber beads; bone handle; 2 pierced teeth of some beast; silv<er> medallion made of heavily worn coin of the emperor Vespasian (A. D. 70-79).
- Big br<onze> cuff link; br<onze> needle, and fragment of silv<er> ear spoon.
- Plain carnelian inlay for finger-ring; 3 g<old> circular badges; 3 g<old> shell-shaped badges;
br<onze> needle; earthen<ware> lamp with relief image of Helios
(s<ee> fig. no. 63).
Fig. 63 |
- Fragment of some decoration in the form of gold hollow Bacchus's head wearing ivy wreath, and 103 elongated gl<ass> beads.
- Br<onze> pendant in the form of herma (?); br<onze> earring, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, ХVI, 103).
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> double-handled bowl; earthen<ware>bowl; 2 plain earthen<ware> lamps; big glass shard pierced bead; 2 gl<ass> circles; 178 gl<ass> beads, and 22 jet beads.
- Two gl<ass> balsamaria; 1 jet, 2 carnelian, 3 paste and 12 amber beads; jet axe-shaped pendant; glass inlay for finger-ring; earthen<ware> single-handled cup with Gr<eek> inscription written with white paint; earthen<ware> lamp with image of ram; 2 knucklebones; br<onze> brooch; 2 bronze earrings, and br<onze> coin from (Caucasian) Caesaria of bad preservation (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XXIII, 1).
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; silv<er> finger-ring; br<onze> buckle; plain carnelian inlay for finger-ring; earthen<ware> lamp with image of a bird, and 14 paste beads.
- Br<onze> buckle; br<onze> earring; rock crystal bead; 12 gl<ass> beads, and br<onze> coin
of Chersonesos date toof the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 118).
- Gold circular badge; g<old> wire earring; 3 paste beads; green bone bead on silv<er> wire (similar to
the ones discovered in tomb no. 69); 3 glass shard beads; 4 gl<ass> balsamaria; earthen<ware> pitcher;
2 earthen<ware> lamps with images of sheep on one of them and of man shouldering wild boar on the other
(s<ee> fig. no. 64). and br<onze> brooch.
Fig. 64 |
- Child's tomb. Broken small earthen<ware> vessel and 2 br<onze> coins of the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximianus I (286-305), who reigned and refused of crown simultaneously.
- 9 paste beads, 3 gl<ass> beads, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with im<age> of jumping panther on one side and chariot drawn by two horses on the other side; no inscription remained (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XV, 69).
- Earthen<ware> two-handled cup and 3 br<onze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 109).
- 2 glass pendants; 2 carnel<ian> and 10 gl<ass> beads; pair of g<old> earrings (similar to the earrings from tomb no. 29); pair of sil<ver> bracelets; br<onze> bracelet, and br<onze> buckle.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> cup; br<onze> expandable bracelet; br<onze> buckle, and gl<ass> balsamarium.
- Cremated body accompanied with charred br<onze> coin of Chersonesos,dated to the I-st period, with im<age> of Artemis on one side and griffin on the other (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 30)
- 3 paste beads; big ir<on> buckle, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 113). In front of this tomb, there are remains of catacomb (part of a passage with 2 steps) that was started to be constructed <but was never finished>.
- 2 paste beads; br<onze> earring; br<onze> Greek coin, of bad preservation; earthen<ware> pitcher, and earthen<ware> double-handled cup.
- Br<onze> buckle; 2 elongated paste beads, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- 2 cameos in the form of woman's head, carved into greenish onyx (similar to those discovered as parts of the earrings from tomb no. 69); medallion which consists of unclear Roman bronze coin mounted in silver; 2 glass shard, 2 amber and 9 gl<ass> beads.
- Bron<ze> bracelet; pair of bron<ze> earrings; fragment of bone stick, and 30 gl<ass> beads.
- Bron<ze> neck ring; bron<ze> buckle, and bron<ze>, heavily damaged colonial coin.
- Gold earring with damaged by fire cameo and with pendant in the form of bunch of grapes; 1 glass shard and 3 glass beads; 2 bron<ze> earrings, and bron<ze> buckle.
- Tomb was carved into bedrock. Cremated corpse was accompanied by bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 103).
- Bron<ze> mask, of rough workmanship, depicting man's head; glass shard bead and 8 faceted gl<ass> beads, which were threaded on a cord alternating with 13 br<onze> beads.
- Bron<ze> coin of the Bosporan king Cotys III (227-233) and 2 very coarse earthenware vessels.
- Earthen<ware> bowl; bron<ze> brooch; 2 bron<ze> buckles; bron<ze> needle, and bron<ze> bracelet.
- Gl<ass> bottle; rock crystal bead; 6 gl<ass> beads, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 13).
- Child's tomb. Pair of silv<er> earrings that are damaged by fire; piece of sheet gold, and 28 gl<ass> beads.
- At the head of the buried person, there was bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-го period, depicting Artemis's head on one side and laying deer, three starting letters of the city's name, and the name of astynomos Xenokl(eid)es on the other side (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 14).
- Medallion of thin gold, with round glass inlay; faceted carnelian bead; silv<er> pin; amber pendant, and 7 paste beads.
Fig. 65 |
- 3 bron<ze> buckles; earthen<ware> circle with hole in it; 3 paste beads, and 5 bron<ze> coins of
Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, no. 103-2 and no. 113-3).
- Big bron<ze> brooch decorated with circles
(s<ee> fig. no. 65),
bron<ze> buckle, and bron<ze> coin of Constantine the Great (306-337).
- Earthen<ware> single-handled cup with a wreath roughly marked by white paint; earthen<ware> juglet, and
gl<ass> tetrahedral balsamarium. Under this tomb, there was pear-shaped cistern (4' 6" in diam<eter> at
the top, 6' 8" in diam<eter> at the bottom, and 6' in depth), carved into bedrock and blocked with soil, crushed
stone and earthenware amphora shards. There are the following artifacts uncovered from the soil and crushed stones
that filled the cistern: 4 earthen<ware> amphora handles with Greek names (one bore the inscription which was
never found before:
) and grave stele of yellowish sandstone (the slab is 6" thick, 5' 1" high
and 11 1/2" wide), without inscription, but with relief image of bow with string and sword placed between the bow
and the string. There is a rosette on either sides of the top section of the bow; one more rosette of the same form
is carved on each side, in one line with the 2 rosettes mentioned above
(s<ee> fig. no. 66),
Fig. 66 |
There are
remains of a wall (3' 6" wide, 3' 6" high and 23' long) uncovered in front of the cistern, 2' far south from it.
- Gold finger-ring with plain carnelian inlay; pair of g<old> earrings with pendants in the form of bunches of grapes
(s<ee> fig. no. 67)
and earthen<ware> double-handled cup.
- 4 carnelian, 42 faceted paste, 32 gl<ass> and 50 jet beads; oval gold leaf; gl<ass> vessel; gl<ass> cup, and bron<ze> ring.
- Earthen<ware> single-handled cup; gl<ass> ring; silv<er> earring; 20 jet, 10 am<ber> and 10 gl<ass> beads.
- Child's tomb. 98 jet and 10 am<ber> beads; amb<er> pendant; bone stick for a small bell (s<ee> tombs no. 99 and 100); fine bron<ze> bell; silv<er> coin of the emperor Gallienus (260-268) wrapped in a piece of cloth.
- 6 gl<ass> beads; glass inset for finger-ring; bron<ze> earring, and 3 bron<ze> coins of Constan<tiu>s II (337-361).
Fig. 67 |
- 3 paste beads; amb<er> bead; bron<ze> brooch, and bron<ze> ring.
- Silv<er> neck ring, damaged by fire; earthen<ware> single-handled cup; earthen<ware> saucer on high foot; 1 jet, 1 am<ber> and 8 gl<ass> beads; 3 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, no. 108-1 and no. 113-2).
- The tomb was faced with roof tiles. The skeleton was accompanied by bron<ze> coin from Sinope.
- 4 amb<er> and 32 gl<ass> beads; 2 bron<ze> child's bracelets; bone needle with 2 holes, and 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 8).
- Worked glass, with broken edges, in the form of nonagon, and lead, heavily damaged, circular plate with traces of a Greek inscription on one side.
- Thick bone ring; amb<er> bead, and 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 89).
- Pair of g<old> child's earrings in the form of hemispheres; 5 square glass beads; 11 triple gl<ass> beads; gl<ass> bottle; earthen<ware> pitcher; plain earthen<ware> lamp; earthen<ware> plate; 4 pieces of pink paint, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- Bone ring (similar to that discovered in tomb no. 165); bron<ze> ring; 3 amb<er> and 128 gl<ass> beads, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 8).
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; 2 single-handled earthen<ware> cups; plain earthen<ware> lamp; 8 gl<ass> beads; bron<ze> key; bron<ze> bracelet; bron<ze> earring; fragment of small slate slab with the edges beveled on one side, similar to the ones discovered in the necropolis in 1890 and 1891.
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup, of extremely rough workmanship.
- Bron<ze> bracelet; 2 glass shard beads, and bron<ze> coin from Amisos.
- Pair of g<old> earrings in the form of hemispheres (s<ee> tomb no. 166), bron<ze> pendant in the form of knotty ring; 3 fine bron<ze> rings, and bron<ze> key.
- Grinding stone with hole; iron knife blade, earthen<ware> cup; earthen<ware> plate with initials scratched in its bottom; bron<ze> scabbard end; bron<ze> elongated plate with inconsiderable curve and hole in the middle
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> bowl; 11 ribbed hemispherical gl<ass> beads, that composed bracelet.
- Big glass shard beads; bron<ze> tube with eyelet on either end; g<old> impression of coin with image of the empress Otacilla Severa (244-249).
- Gold head of a big silv<er> gilt pin in the form of amphora, fastened to g<old> chain with g<old> clasp on the end in the form of oval leaf (only 2, heavily oxidized, fragments of this pin survived; there is a pin of similar form found in tomb no. 87); gold faceted bead; 3 chiseled bone beads, tips of which are covered with gold leaf; 3 thin bone sticks, thickened tips of which are covered with gold leaf; fragment of gl<ass> stick with fish's head with open mouth (its eyes and ears are made of milky glass), and 80 jet beads.
- Pair of g<old> wire earrings; oval g<old> leaf; 2 g<old> leaves, cut from a single plate in the form of spectacles
(s<ee> fig. no. 68)
and bent in junction points according to nose bridge form (s<ee> also tomb no. 313); earthen<ware> bowl, and earthen<ware> pitcher.
Fig. 68 |
- Bron<ze> toothed bracelet; earthen<ware> pitcher; 3 knucklebones made of gypsum; shell; silv<er> spoon; 18 jet, 30 amber, 5 carnelian and 12 glass beads; rock crystal pendant; 3 pieces of sheet gold, and gl<ass> balsamarium.
- Bron<ze> brooch (similar to the one discovered in tomb no. 153); silv<er> finger-ring with carved carnelian gem depicting lion stepping to the left; silv<er> buckle; silv<er> ring in the form of snake, and bron<ze> coin of Caucasian Caesarea (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XXIII, 1).
- Earthen<ware> bowl and earthen<ware> lamp with image of sheep.
- Silv<er> sq<uare> openwork plate (probably for a casket) and circular silv<er> lid with silver ring (for casket also).
- . Earthen<ware> single-handled urn, crushed, with lead lid. Besides cremated bones, it contained 2 thin sheets of gold with hooks on the tips.
- Pair of child's wire earrings; two silv<er> bracelets; silv<er> earring; 32 glass beads, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 118).
- Bron<ze> toothed bracelet (similar to that discovered in tomb no. 177); silv<er> ear spoon; 4 carnelian and 12 gl<ass> beads; jet axe-shaped pendant, and phallus-shaped pendant of blue paste.
- Child's tomb. G<old> wire pendant; g<old> oval leaf; gl<ass> circle of milky-color, convex on one side; small shell; earthen<ware> double-handled cup; 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 109), br<onze> coin of Dioscuria (Oreshnikov, Sobr<aniye> Gr<afa> Uvarova [Count Uvarov's collection], <Vol.> II, <page> 509), and big bronze colonial coin of Magnesia dated to the time of Septimius Severus (193-211).
- Child's tomb. Br<onze> circular mirror with handle and hole in it; ribbed bead of light green paste; rock crystal bead; 8 paste beads; 2 flat oval stones with holes, and br<onze> coin of Caucasian Caesaria (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, ХХIII, 1).
- Child's tomb contained: 1 carnelian and 5 gla<ss> beads; bron<ze> buckle; 2 silv<er> earrings; bron<ze> arrow-head; bron<ze> toothed medallion; earthen<ware> bowl, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 114).
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos, which, according to rough workmanship and the lack of mace in wreath, dates to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 91).
- Pair of g<old> earrings in the form of hemisphere (s<ee> tombs nos. 166 and 171); 2 silv<er> bracelets; 3 silv<er> tubes; earthen<ware> vase with 3 handles; earthen<ware> pitcher; 220 ribbed beads of light green and yellow paste; 29 jet beads, flat, semicircular (s<ee> tomb no. 69) that composed a bracelet; gl<ass> bottle (in original form resembling soft raised-toe footwear), and 3 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 106, 114 и 120).
- Br<onze> coin from Panticapaeum (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIX, 56).
- Br<onze> coin of Sauromates I (93-123) S<ee> Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XXVIII, 165.
Fig. 69 |
- Earthen<ware> bowl; br<onze> buckle, and br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 98).
- Br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 102).
- Oval gold leaf; g<old> chil'd finger-ring with miniature cameo in the form of woman's head; hair pin
that consists of gold amphora (s<ee> tombs nos. 87 and 115), with emerald inserted from the top instead of
the lid, and of bone, now broken stick; 2 g<old> medallions consisting of impressions from coins of Gordianus III
(238-244), enclosed with wreath and having eyelets; pair of g<old> openwork earrings in the form of hemisphere, one having
pearl in the middle and 3 pearls hanged to it, another with elongated emerald in the middle and 2 pearls hanged to it
(s<ee> fig. no. 69)
2 silv<er>, heavily damaged medallions (of unclear Roman coins); 20 am<ber> and 6 jet beads.
- Child's tomb. Pair of gol<d> earrings of circular badge with rough incisions; 2 silv<er>, heavily damaged, plain medallions; 2 jet pendants; 3 am<ber>, 24 gl<ass> and 8 glass paste beads; 2 shells, and bron<ze> coin of the emper<or> Probus (276-282).
- Gol<d> oval leaf; pair of gol<d> wire earrings; earthenware pitcher, and earthen<ware> bowl.
- Earthen<ware> lamp with image of cock; earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> bowl; small slab of pink marble, with the edges beveled on one side (s<ee> tomb no. 168); silv<er> pin, of rough workmanship, with a hole and wire ring running through it, and jet pendant in the form of man's head.
- Child's tomb. Silv<er> miniature pail (1/4' х 1/2"); fine silv<er> cup; silv<er> ring with eyelet, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with im<age> of Artemis's head on one side and laying deer, the city's name, and the name of astynomos Choreios on the other side (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 13).
- Bron<ze> circular mirror with handle; earthen<ware> cup; bron<ze> buckle; bron<ze> brooch; 2 bron<ze> sticks that end with narrow spoon at one side and elongated cone on the other; iron knife blade, and 15 gl<ass> beads.
- Fragment of bron<ze> toothed bracelet; solid bron<ze> bracelet; bron<ze> earring; earthen<ware> lamp with image of sheep; gl<ass> axe-shaped pendant; bron<ze> pendant in the form of toothed medallion; silv<er> ring; bron<ze> needle; 8 amb<er> and 15 gl<ass> beads.
- Child's tomb. Stemmed earthen<ware> cup; earthen<ware> bowl, and plain earthen<ware> lamp.
- Pair of g<old> openwork earrings in the form of hemisphere, with cone-shaped garnets inserted into its
central part and g<old> pendants; onyx cameo in the form of woman's head (s<ee> tomb no. 72); 2 carnelian,
1 gl<ass> and 3 amb<er> pendants; 2 dices; rectangular carnelian plate; 7 amb<er> beads; 5 big
semicircular beads of black paste with 2 holes each; 1 carnelian and 20 gl<ass> beads; silv<er> pin,
with its head depicting hand holding ball, with ring running through its closed fingers
(s<ee> fig. no. 70),
worn off silv<er> colonial coin from Amisos, of the age of the emp<eror> Hadrian (117-138).
Fig. 70 |
- Earthen<ware> single-handled urn, crushed. Narrow gold leaf; bron<ze> spoon of good preservation, and gl<ass> ring.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; 8 paste beads; bone handle for small bell, and silv<er> coin of the emper<or> Alexander Severus (222-235).
- 3 br<onze> buckles; 6 br<onze> convex buttons for belt with pins for binding; 6 fine br<onze> coins: 3 of Constantine the Great (306-337), 1 of Constans (337-350) and 2 of Constantius II (337-361).
- Earthen<ware> cup; plain earthen<ware> lamp; 2 carnel<ian>, 2 jet, 7 paste and 12 gl<ass> beads; pendant in the form of bead on wire; rectangular flat pierced paste bead with two holes and traces of ornamentation, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 113).
- Two earthen<ware> vessels and gl<ass> bottle.
207-211. | Five tombs located close to each other, each containing skeletons accompanied with one bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, pl. XVI, no. 113 - in two first tombs, and no. 96 in three other tombs). |
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with image of deer-striking Artemis on one side and bull under club and names of the city and astynomos Diagores on the other (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 38).
- Earthen<ware> single-handled urn. Beside cremated bones, it appeared to contain gl<ass> balsamarium and 3 pieces of sheet gold.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> lamp with image of bunch of grapes; gl<ass> balsamarium; 12 gl<ass> and 11 pas<te> beads; bron<ze> pierced bead in the form of toothed medallion; bron<ze> finger-ring with <human> head carved into its surface; bron<ze> coin of the emper<or> Gordianus III (238-244), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 101).
- Earthen<ware> single-handled cup; earthen<ware> pitcher; bron<ze> expandable bracelet; bron<ze> pendant in the form of toothed ring; 2 pendants of rock crystal and 2 pendants of green paste; 2 beads of rock crystal, 4 carnelian and 8 paste beads.
- Handleless earthen<ware> vessel; big ribbed bead of green paste; 14 gl<ass> beads, and br<onze> coin from Sinope.
- Br<onze> ring; br<onze> needle; bone awl; plain earthen<ware> lamp; earthen<ware> cup, and 34 gl<ass> beads.
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup with wreath drawn by white paint; plain earthen<ware> lamp; bron<ze> bracelet; pair of g<old> wire earrings; rock crystal bead; 2 amb<er> pendants; 2 amb<er> beads, and 8 gl<ass> beads.
- . Earthen<ware> single-handled cup; earthen<ware> juglet; 2 br<onze> buckles; semiopal (?) bead, 5 paste beads, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 96).
- Gold finger-ring (stone inlay from the socket has not been found); silv<er> finger-ring with carved carnelian gem depicting Eros; gold oval leaf; silv<er> brooch; silv<er> buckle, and 2 silv<er> belt plates.
- Gl<ass> vessel; silv<er> finger-ring with carved carnelian gem (the image is damaged by fire); bron<ze> coin of Panticapaeum (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, ХХII, 148), and br<onze> coin of Amastris.
- Earth<enware> single-handled cup; earth<enware> bowl, and plain earth<enware> lamp.
- Earth<enware> pitcher; earth<enware> cup; bron<ze> buckle; silv<er> brooch (similar to bronze ones discovered in tombs nos. 153 and 177); bron<ze> openwork circular lid, with handle in the middle (absolutely the same as that discovered in tomb no. 116), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 110).
- Broken earthen<ware> pitcher; plain earthen<ware> lamp; gl<ass> balsamarium; 52 gl<ass> beads, and gold necklace lock.
- Gl<ass> bottle; br<onze>double-axe-shaped pendant; 11 paste beads, and piece of sulfur.
- Br<onze> brooch (similar to those disc<overed> in tombs nos. 153, 177 and 223), and br<onze> buckle.
- Br<onze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 109).
- Damaged vessel of dark ceramic, and silv<er> finger-ring with carved gem (damaged by fire).
- Pair of g<old> earrings in the form of hemisphere with g<old> pendants (there are small sockets in the middle where probably were round stones which fell out under the influence of fire); silv<er> finger-ring with image of bird holding snake carved into carnelian gem; bron<ze> finger-ring; silv<er> head pin with ring, to which heart-shaped plate was hanged with chain (the plate and chain fell to pieces when cleaning them); bron<ze> bracelet with snake's heads; medallion made of silv<er> coin of the emper<or> Caracalla (211-217), and 28 gl<ass> beads.
- Pair of gol<d> earrings with cameos and pendants; gold wreath-shaped medallion casing; circular cup-shaped carved gem (heavily damaged by fire), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 91, but of the other size).
- Gl<ass> bottle; fine earthen<ware> broken cup; bron<ze> buckle, and bron<ze> brooch.
- Gl<ass> bottle (similar to the one uncovered in tomb no. 188); plain earthen<ware> lamp; earthen<ware> circle with hole, and silv<er> coin of Alexander Severus (222-235).
- Double-handled earthen<ware> juglet, and cylindrical earthen<ware> bowl.
- 8 gl<ass> beads; gl<ass> axe-shaped pendant; scarab and hand of green <glass> paste, and damaged earthen<ware> juglet.
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with im<age> of Heracles's head on one side and prow on the other (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XV, 63, but with two countermarks and without the name of astynomos).
- Earthenware single-handled urn (crushed) that contained: br<onze> buckle; br<onze> pendant in the form of toothed medallion; silv<er> earring; 2 beads of <glass> paste, and piece of sheet gold.
- Earthenware single-handled urn (crushed). Broken gl<ass> balsamarium and 2 pieces of sheet gold.
- Earthen<ware> juglet and plain earthen<ware> lamp.
- Earthen<ware> saucer and earthen<ware> lamp with image of bird sitting on branch.
- Pair of earrings of gold badge with stars pressed into it, and 6 beads of some paste.
- Bron<ze> brooch; iron knife blade, and bron<ze> coin of Caracalla (211-217).
- 2 bron<ze> brooches; bron<ze> fignet-ring with key; bron<ze> earring; carved carnelian gem (damaged by fire)
and bron<ze> worn off coin of Chersonesos, of the II-nd period, with hole for wearing (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 103).
- Single-handled earthen<ware> urn (crushed). Pair of earrings, twisted of gold wire, with oval garnets; pair of gold earrings in the
form of circles with radial carving and garnets in the middle (3 hooks on each side probably carried pendants) and gold
impression of coin depicting face side of coin of Rhescuporis VII (304-342)..
- Gold finger-ring (stone inlay from its socket has not been found found) and gold circular badge.
- Gold finger-ring (carved gem is damaged by fire) and 3 pieces of sheet gold.
- Bronze urn (crushed into smallest pieces). Narrow and long gold leaf.
- Earthenware single-handled urn (crushed). 3 pieces of sheet gold and bone hair pin with bird on its top
(s<ee> fig. no. 71),
Fig. 71 |
- Earthenware single-handled urn (crushed). Piece of sheet gold, and shell.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> single-handled cup; plain earthen<ware> lamp; small slate slab with the edges beveled on one side (s<ee> tombs nos. 168 and 196).
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; grinding stone with hole; silv<er> ear spoon; carved carnelian gem damaged by fire; glass inlay from finger-ring; 14 gl<ass> beads; gold oval leaf; 2 pieces of sheet gold, and 3 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 98, but no inscription is visible, 102 and 103).
- Gold oval leaf; silv<er> earring; cer<amic> circle with hole, and bron<ze> coin of Gordianus III (238-244).
- Earthen<ware> pitcher and plain earthen<ware> lamp.
- 2 earthen<ware> cups (one double-handled, another single-handled); 9 paste beads, and piece of sulfur.
- Bron<ze> coin of Caucasian Caesarea (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XXIII, 1).
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 104).
- Child's tomb, covered with sandstone slab, with roughly carved relief image of three women en face, holding each other's hands, and two bull's heads, located on top, in between of the figures. The tomb contained earthenware cup, broken into smallest pieces.
- Pair of earrings of circular convex g<old> badges; g<old> oval leaf; onyx cameo in the form of woman's head (from silver medallion that fell into smallest pieces); 6 amb<er> amphora-shaped pendants; 7 amb<er>, 2 faceted carnelian, 3 coral, 30 jet and 8 gl<ass> beads, and silver coin of Julia.
- Pair of g<old> earrings with onyx cameos in the form of woman's heads and pendants along the edges (each earring has one pendant of green stone and, in the middle, two with gold balls; one earring preserved all pendants, though another only the side one); silv<er> finger-ring with carnelian gem with carved lion stepping to the left; carved carnelian gem (damaged by fire); plain blue stone inlay for finger-ring; silv<er> coin of the emper<or> Trebonianus Gallus (251-253 AD); bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 110, but the city's name is punched from right to left; the other inscription is located
in the other way); 11 beads of dark paste, in the form of bisected sphere with two holes (according to the location
at the skeleton, they were used as a bracelet or belt decoration); 10 carnelian beads; 10 amb<er> amphora-shaped pendants;
24 amb<er> circular bead; 45 ribbed beads of dark paste; 188 gl<ass> beads; amulet, that consists of uncertain, wrapped in silk cloth object, winded in 3 places with silv<er> wire, which ended with a loop on top; 3 bone awls; 2 bron<ze> bracelets with snake's heads on the ends; bron<ze> bracelet; bron<ze> brooch; silv<er> hair pin with a ring (s<ee> tomb no. 229), with its chain perished, though the oval clasp remained. Similar clasp with a chain, but of gold, was found in tomb no. 175.
Fig. 72 |
- Pair of small g<old> earrings of circular convex badges; oval gold leaf; 13 flat semicircular jet pierced beads (according to their location at the skeleton, they composed bracelet); 28 jet beads; 2 bone boxes; gl<ass> balsamarium with pointed bottom, gl<ass> tetrahedral vessel, on the bottom of which, at the corners, there are 4 round insignificant projections and, in between of the latter, at 4 sides, Greek inscription of seven letters
(s<ee> fig. no. 72).
- Pair of g<old> earrings made of circular badge; br<onze> child's bracelet, and 6 paste beads.
- 2 earthen<ware> cups (one double-handled, another single-handled); bron<ze> cuff link; bron<ze> finger-ring; bron<ze> brooch; 2 b<one> rings; gl<ass>, convex from one side, circle, and bron<ze> buckle.
Fig. 73 |
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> cup; 2 bron<ze> bracelets, and g<old> oval leaf.
- Bron<ze> neck ring; bron<ze> brooch; bron<ze> cuff link; buckle of coral branch on bronze wire; top part of bron<ze>
finger-ring with two lines of Greek inscription (the rightmost characters are unreadable;
s<ee> fig. no. 73),
amber pendant; glass finger-ring inlay; 5 amber, 1 carnelian and 10 gl<ass> beads.
- Broken carved bron<ze> buckle; earthen<ware> lamp with Latin inscription CASSI (there is a lamp of the same form, with the name of Aprius, uncovered in 1890 excavations of the ancient city), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 29).
- Earthen<ware> lamp with image of Pegasus (similar to the one found above small stone coffin in catacomb no. 23 that was uncovered in 1891); g<old> child's wire earring; gold oval leaf, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 90).
- Earthen<ware> ribbed handleless cup; flat-bottom gl<ass> balsamarium; gl<ass> bottle decorated with etched, beautifully located circles; pair of gold earrings in the form of massive circles with wreath around and sockets to which stones were probably inserted; g<old> oval leaf; amphora-shaped g<old> head of pin, heavily damaged by fire; half of silv<er> needle-case with eyelet, and bron<ze> buckle.
- Pair of g<old> wire child's earrings; two earrings of hexagonal, convex, ribbed gold badges; silv<er> fingering, greatly damaged by fire; carved carnelian gem depicting man's head; damaged earthen<ware> bowl, and earthenware cup.
- Slab of white marble with two lines of Greek inscription, including the name of Theagenes son of Agathon, and bron<ze> coin of the Bosporan king Cotys II (123-131). S<ee> Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, pl<ate> XXIX, 173.
- Bron<ze> expandable bracelet; pendant of thick bron<ze> plate (it was broken when cleaning), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 90).
- Plain earthen<ware> lamp under black slip; narrow-neck handleless earthen<ware> vessel, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 40).
- 3 single-handled earthen<ware> cups, and 2 plain earthen<ware> lamps of extremely rough workmanship.
- Two skeletons, one above the other, in the same position from N<orth> to S<outh>, the upper one is female and the lower one is male. The female skeleton was accompanied by: pair of earrings of thin, concave, gold badge (one earring is uncovered in the middle of the skull); g<old> oval leaf; g<old> tube with two eyes on its tips; g<old> solid finger-ring, of rough quality, with image of handshaking on top; pair of bracelets and brooch of low-grade silver; at the legs, there was bron<ze> chain with 3 rings; at the head, there was gl<ass> bottle; on one side of the skeleton, there was single-handled earthen<ware> cup with traces of decoration made by white paint; 3 silv<er> coins of the emperors Heliogabalus (218-222), Alexander Severus (222-235), Maximinus (235-238), and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 114). Male skeleton was not accompanied by grave goods.
- Gold plate shaped like spectacles with bend in the form of nose-bridge (it was used to cover eyes), and g<old> oval leaf probably used for covering mouth.
- Gold openwork medallion with white oval stone; pair of circular g<old> earrings with pendants in the form of bunches of grape.
- Pair of openwork circular g<old> earrings, with conic garnets in the middle and g<old> pendants in the form of bunches of grape; silv<er> hair pin with ring and chain; 2 bron<ze> bracelets; 2 fine bron<ze> rings (one is plain, another is toothed); small bron<ze> bell; 3 green paste beads; 5 paste (?) beads on silv<er> chain; 6 gl<ass> beads with a piece of wire in the middle; bone ear spoon; amb<er> pendant in the form of bearded head; 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 117 и 118); silv<er> coin of the emper<or> Gordianus III (238-244), and silver coin of Julia.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; earthen<ware> saucer with a high foot; plain earthen<ware> lamp; 2 carnelian, 2 amber and 18 gl<ass> beads.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher; double-handled earthen<ware> cup; plain earthen<ware> lamp, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 104).
- Bron<ze> tongs with sharp pliers; br<onze> needle, and silv<er> finger-ring, damaged by fire.
- 1 big and 12 small am<ber> beads; 2 carnel<ian> and 12 gl<ass> beads; green stone bead; bron<ze> bracelet; bron<ze> miniature pail with handle (its bottom survived though the lid is broken; there was a piece of yarn inside); the same pail (the bottom and the lid are broken); silv<er> tube with 2 eyelets, and 4 medallions of silv<er> Roman coins of Julia (2 pieces) and Caracalla (2 pieces).
- 20 gl<ass> triple beads; bron<ze> bracelet, and 4 bron<ze> round pendants for necklace.
- Earthen<ware> pitcher and 10 big glass beads.
- Earthen<ware> cup and 5 big paste beads.
- Lion's head, pressed in relief from silver low-grade badge, similar to the bronze head that was found in the necropolis mound (there are fine bolts that remained in 4 holes).
- Bron<ze> arrowhead; damaged silv<er> ring; 5 pierced beads, thin, semicircular, ribbed, of dark green paste that probably were parts of bracelet or belt.
- Bron<ze> key and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 96).
- Bron<ze> fishhook; flat bone bead, and 10 elongated gl<ass> beads.
- Earthen<ware> single-handled cup under blackish slip and 2 bron<ze>, badly preserved, Roman coins.
- Bron<ze> circular, heavily damaged, mirror, and b<one> handle with carving, for mirror.
- Pair of silv<er> bracelets that laid near the legs of the skeleton.
- 2 earthen<ware> single-handled cups and earthen<ware> lamp of rough workmanship. Skull with prognathous jaws.
- Small child's tomb was composed of stone slabs. Earthen<ware> miniature jug and small bowl of red ceramic.
- Earthen<ware> saucer on high foot.
- Silv<er> medallion with carved carnelian gem depicting bunch of grapes and ear of wheat (?); silv<er> medallion with convex plain glass inlay; gold oval leaf; amulet consisting of unknown hard object on silv<er> wire with eyelet; 2 amb<er> pendants; 4 amber, 2 carnel<ian> and 2 gl<ass> beads, and a piece of pin coral.
- Earthen<ware> single-handled cup.
- Earthen<ware> double-handled pitcher.
- Pair of circular g<old> earrings with g<old> pendants in the form of bunches of grapes; g<old> bead; 3 bron<ze> bracelets; bron<ze> expandable bracelet with pendant in the form of bron<ze> medallion; silv<er> earring; bron<ze> toothed ring; small bron<ze> bell; amb<er> pendant; 1 amber, 4 paste, 6 glass, 1 glass shard and 16 jet beads; oval, heavily damaged glass gem with carved image of Artemis catching fallow-deer (?); 2 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108 and 113), and bron<ze> coin from Nikonion of the age of the emp<eror> Gallienus with countermark in the form of circle around letter Н.
- Earthen<ware> bowl; broken earthen<ware> pitcher; plain earthen<ware> lamp; iron knife blade; bron<ze> buckle, and bron<ze> brooch.
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup; pair of bron<ze> bracelets; earthen<ware> lamp with image of deer running to the right; piece of sulfur; 1 glass shard, 1 glass, 3 paste and 20 jet beads.
- Bron<ze> coin from Panticapaeum (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XXI, 132).
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 94, but without letters
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 114); big colonial coin of bad preservation, with two countermarks, in one of which H letter is placed similarly to that on the coin of Nikonion from tomb no. 296.
- 4 bron<ze> coins of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 96-1, 103-2 и 120-1; the last one is big, with slight traces of figure of Artemis standing, and has a countermark).
- 2 earthen<ware> juglets and earthen<ware> lamp with image of sheep.
- 2 earthen<ware> cups; pair of damaged silv<er> earrings, and glass shard bead.
- Earthen<ware> bowl.
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup.
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup.
- 11 glass beads.
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 91).
- Single-handled earthen<ware> cup; 12 gl<ass> beads which were stringed with thin silver chain, and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 90).
- Bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the I-st period, with image of Artemis's head on one side and bull above club, the first three letters of the city's name and the name of astynomos, Agasikles on the other side (Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XIV, 20).
Fig. 74 |
- Big silv<er> signet ring, greatly damaged by fire, with carved gem (the image is unclear), and big silv<er> brooch.
- Small child's tomb is composed of stone slabs. Double gold leaf bent so to resemble spectacles (there are images and eyes pressed into the leaves, though the holes were made on the tips probably to tie this plate at the back of the head); gold oval leaf which probably covered child's mouth; pair of g<old> wire child's earrings; g<old> bead; 14 amphora-shaped amb<er> beads; 1 jet, 3 carnelian, 1 glass shard and 6 gl<ass> beads; ribbed bead of green paste; piece of jet; gl<ass> child's bracelet (it differs from the bracelets of the Byzantine period due to the absence of traces of welding; the same feature is typical to big gl<ass> bracelet that was found in the mound of the necropolis); jet ring (it may be a part of round box); 2 br<onze> expandable child's bracelets; small silv<er> pail (similar to that uncovered in tomb no. 279); silv<er> tube with 2 eyelets on its tips (one side is soldered up) and bron<ze> coin of Chersonesos dated to the II-nd period
(Burachkov, <Op. cit.>, XVI, 108).
- Child's tomb. Small br<onze> bell is hanged with wire to bone circular handle
(s<ee> fig. no. 74).
This bell and the other one, which is stored in local museum, have revealed the purpose of bone handles with holes.