Fig. 139 |
The excavation started from the footing of the slope and uncovered buttressed retaining wall of huge stones that supported artificial layer of crushed stone and soil, up to 8' high, covering tombs from Greek and Roman period, which were located below, near the bedrock.
Excavated area with 68 graves discussed below is about 106 sq<uare>
. Maximum excavated depth on the line Ю-Я (about 27 sazh<enes> l<ong>) is 4-5
; upper, the bedrock makes freakish curves. The buttressed retaining wall stretches along the line в-г, with plain area below. The excavation width along the line ав и бг = 3 ¾ sazh<enes>.
The reconnaissances were made by strip method, in result of which the tombs were disclosed, investigated, and covered with crushed stone and soil anew when moving the work from bottom to top of the slope.
Fig. 140 |
- This tomb (1 arch<ine> and 4
long, 1 arch<ine> w<ide> and d<eep>) was lined with stone slabs and contained:
- ) several crushed urns;
- pair of silver earrings, of which survived only pendants in the shape of tetradecahedral garnets, framed with gold;
- br<onze> figure of Eros, as big as 1'', with eyelet on the back;
- two br<onze> bracelets;
- round br<onze> mirror;
- carved, broken carnelian (from a finger-ring) with image of, possibly, herma;
- 4 amber beads;
- bored animal tooth, and
- bone statuette
(s<ee> fig. no. 140)
- This tomb was faced with three lines of stone slabs,
as shown on attached figure no. 141
; under the slabs, there was small cist, 1 arch<ine> l<ong>, 12 versh<oks> w<ide>, and 8 versh<oks> deep, containing 7 jug-shaped earthenware urns, 7 to 8 versh<oks> high (5 with one and 2 with two handles); 6 of them were covered each with earthenware lid, and 1 with bottom of earthenware vessel. 3 urns have names scratched on the side: the first
, second
, third
. Inside, apart from cremated bones, there were: in one urn (with complete name), glass balsamarium
(s<ee> fig. no. 142)
glass strigil, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the other urn (with )
broken glass bottle, bronze brooch, bone spoon, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the third urn (with )
glass bottle, bronze buckle, and 3 pieces of sheet gold; in the fourth urn, iron strigil, 20 glass beads, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the fifth urn, glass bottle, 4 glass beads, 3 paste beads, and piece of sheet gold; in the sixth urn, bronze brooch and piece of sheet gold; in the seventh urn, glass balsamarium
(s<ee> fig. no. 143)
, bronze key, and piece of sheet gold.
Fig. 141 |
Fig. 142 |
Fig. 143 |
In between of the urns, there were: earthenware cup and 8 earthenware lamps, 2 of which are plain and 6 with relief images of: a) goat, b) vase with flowers, c) bird pecking grapes, d) dog, e) rooster, and f) sheep.
- This tomb was faced with big stone slabs and was 3 ½ arch<ines> l<ong>, 1 ¾ arch<ine> w<ide>, and 2 arch<ines> deep inside. Only one slab of those that covered the tomb was found in situ; the whole tomb was filled with crushed stone and soil, and earthenware urns were broken into smallest pieces. Despite of the fact that the tomb was undoubtedly plundered, the soil that filled it appeared to contain the following artifacts:
- а) silver coin of Caracalla (?), framed in gold in the form of medallion
(s<ee> fig. no. 144)
- illegible silver Roman coin, framed in gold similarly to the first one (the loop is fastened to it so that the bust of the emperor appeared upside down and the maker preferred the figure on the reverse side to it);
- pair of gold earrings in the form of hemisphere with conical garnets in the middle
(s<ee> attached figs. nos. 145a and and 145b)
- gold wire earring;
- 2 gold leaves;
- 13 gold round ornamented badges, of five different types and different size
(s<ee> figs. nos. 146,147,148,149,150)
Fig. 144 |
Fig. 145a |
Fig. 145b |
Fig. 146 |
Fig. 147 |
Fig. 148 |
Fig. 149 |
Fig. 150 |
- gold bead;
- 2 fragments of gold pendants;
- carved stone with image of hand with flower;
- oval blue stone from finger-ring;
- chiseled bone box with lid;
- 440 glass beads;
- 15 paste beads;
- 24 amber beads;
- 20 beads of carnelian and rock crystal;
- 36 glass bottles, including one of green glass
(s<ee> fig. no. 151)
Fig. 151 |
Fig. 152 |
- 2 bottoms of glass vessels;
- fragment of glass saucer;
- 9 earthenware juglets;
- 3 earthenware saucers;
- 40 earthenware lamps, of which 14 plain and 26 with relief images of: 1) wild boar, 2) and 3) Eros with bunch of grapes in either hand (2 spec<imens>), 4) warrior with shield and right arm raised, 5) figure of man holding horse, 6) two Erotes with bunch of grapes visible in between of them, 7) warrior with spear, 8) and 9) three standing figures of, probably, women (2 spec<imens>), 10) standing figure of woman with raised hands, holding shawl (?) behind her back, 11-14) dog jumping right (4 spec<imens>), 15) head of Silen (?), 16 - 17) rooster (2 spec<imens>), 18-19) jumping lion (2 spec<imens>), 20) eagle sitting on pedestal, 21) single eagle, 22) figure of naked man carrying wild boar, 23-24) Jupiter, in the form of a swan, fawning upon Leda standing in front of him (2 spec<imens>), 25) deer, and 26) horseman
(s<ee> fig. no. 152)
- big, broken earthenware lamp;
- 3 grinding stones, each with hole;
- freshwater shell;
- pair of big bronze buckles in openwork, with traces of red enamel
(s<ee> fig. no. 153)
- 5 other br<onze> buckles;
- 2 bronze clasps, each in the form of big fly
(s<ee> attached fig. no. 154)
- two bronze brooches;
- 10 bronze bracelets;
- 3 pairs of bronze earrings;
- 2 bronze mirrors;
- bronze spoon;
- head of terracotta statuette of woman;
- 2 bronze needle;
- bone awl,
- broken chiseled bone handle, and 20 pieces of thin sheets of gold (from broken urns).
Fig. 153 |
Fig. 154 |
Fig. 155 |
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. It appeared to contain: oval gold, ornamented leaf
(s<ee> fig. no. 155)
and thin round gold plate with slightly impressed image of bull above club.
- This tomb was faced with big roof tiles, one of which preserved stamp with Greek name and image of eagle on fish. Inside there was one skeleton with deformed skull.
- Earthenware urn with one handle contained bone spoon, ram's bone, and piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. The skeleton with bronze coin of autonomous Chersonesos laying between the teeth was accompanied with shards of small earthenware vase covered with dark slip.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained 8 beads of paste and bronze coin from Sinope.
- Child's tomb was faced with fine stone and appeared to contain 40 glass beads and bronze brooch.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Near the skeleton, we collected 13 glass beads, 2 bronze earrings, 6 bronze rings from necklace, bronze buckles, and bronze bell on wire ring that was put through bone stick.
- This tomb, lined with fine stone, was located in upper layer of the mound; it contained: 28 glass beads, 2 round bonze badges with loops (from a necklace), broken silver cross with traces of enamel and plain bronze cross, both with loops.
- This small tomb (1 arch<ine> long, 8 versh<oks> w<ide>, and 12 versh<oks> d<eep>) was carved into bedrock and covered with slab. Inside, there were 2 earthen<ware> urns with cremated bones and 2 pieces of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained 4 glass bottles (1 was broken) and 3 earthenware juglets.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. It contained glass bottle, bronze neck hoop, bronze earring, gold sheet
(s<ee> fig. no. 156)
, 8 glass beads, 2 plain earthenware lamps, and 2 earthenware juglets.
Fig. 156 |
Fig. 157 |
Fig. 158 |
- This tomb (1 arch<ine> and 6 versh<oks> l<ong>, 1 arch<ine> w<ide>, and 14 vershoks high) was lined with stone slabs and contained 10 earthenware urns: 6 with one handle, 3 with two handles, and 1 handleless (5 ¾ to 8 ¾ versh<oks> high); 9 with earthenware lids and one with lead lid. The smallest and most beautiful urn
(s<ee> fig. no. 157)
,has scratched inscription: .
In the urns, apart from the ashes, there were: in the first one (inscribed), pair of earrings of twisted gold wire
(s<ee> fig. no. 158)
, ;), piece of sheet gold, glass bottle, and bronze mirror; in the 2-nd one, iron knife blade, bronze needle, grinding stone with hole, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the 3-rd, glass bottle, iron finger-ring (stone from its socket is missing), and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the 4-th, glass bottle, grinding stone with hole, broken iron strigil, piece of sheet gold, and bronze coin of Chesonesos (s<ee> K?hne, Beitr?ge zur Gesch. u. Arch. v. Cherson. 1848. Taf. IV, no. 8); in the 5-th, glass bottle, iron knife blade, and piece of sheet gold; in the 6-th, broken glass bottle and piece of sheet gold; in the 7-th, glass bottle, bronze buckle, and two pieces of sheet gold; in the 8-th, piece of sheet gold; in the 9-th, broken glass bottle and piece of sheet gold; in the 10-th, piece of sheet gold. In between of the urns, there were earthenware lamps, 3 plain and 4 with relief images: on the first, of naked, seemingly female, figure on dolphin's back, on the second, of two standing figures with table or vessel visible in between of them, on the third, of jumping lion with star placed above it, and on the fourth, of a lioness standing in front of vase.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. The skeleton was accompanied: bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. IV, no. 8), 40 glass beads, 2 bronze buckles, broken bronze spoon, and 2 bronze pendants in the form of toothed circles.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. It appeared to contain: glass cup, bronze brooch, bronze key, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. IV, no. 3).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained 2 glass bottles, 8 glass beads, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. V, no. 15).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. It appeared to contain 2 bronze buckles, paste pendant, bronze coin of Chersonesos (with image of Artemis striking deer on one side and bull with
on the other side).
- This earthenware single-handled urn contained piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. The skeleton was accompanied with 8 beads of green stone, threaded on fine silver chain, earthenware juglet, piece of sheet gold, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. IV, no. 10).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained 8 glass beads, amber bead, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. V, no. 18).
Fig. 159 |
- This catacomb is cut into rocky footing to the left from tomb no. 16. The entrance (2' w<ide> and 2' 6" h<igh>) was closely covered with slab. The base of this catacomb looked as follows
(s<ee> fig. no. 159)
. Above, it raised like semidome as high as 5' 6". There were five rotten wooden coffins with 5 skeletons, with the heads towards the exit, that is to s<outh>-w<est>. At the wall, there were 5 earthen<ware> urns, and in the right corner there were 2 urns, crushed by stone fallen from above. Two urns have scratched names, on the first:
, on the second: .
At the head, there were 5 glass bottles, 2 of which broken. In different places, on the soil, there were: 8 earthenware lamps (5 of which plain and 3 with relief figures - one of sheep, another of dog jumping to the right, third with half-figure of man), earthenware cup, earthenware vessel with 2 handles, and 10 small earthenware single-handled vessels. Artifacts collected from around the skeletons: at the 1-st, to the left from the entrance, round wooden box containing bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, Op. cit., Taf. V, no. 16), 2 impressions of coins made of thin gold sheet, with unclear images, and bronze necklace of 48 rings, 28 plates in the form of hearts with loops, and 26 bells; at the 2-nd skeleton: wide straps with big stitches (fell into pieces when touched), knobbed twigs from branches, 4 bronze coins (2 Roman, worn off, on with countermark from Chersonesos portraying Artemis, standing, and 2 Roman, colonial); at the 3-rd: 2 bronze bracelets, bronze buckle, 1,394 tetrahedral beads of black, red and yellow paste, 156 glass beads (23 with gilding), 53 amber and 2 coral pierced beads; at the 4-th: bronze buckle and silver finger-ring; at the 5-th: bronze brooch and fragments of rough wool textile.
Fig. 160 |
Fig. 161 |
Fig. 162 |
Fig. 163 |
Opposite to the entrance to the catacomb, a bit to the left, there was quadrangular hole carved into bedrock, that contained small coffin of sandstone, with the following appearance
(s<ee> fig. no. 160)
. The wall of the coffin that faced the entrance and edge of its rib were covered with Greek inscription, heavily damaged by dampness (s<ee> Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], no. 9, pp. 30-31). The coffin was fixed with stone wedges on each side and from below. On its lid there were: 3 earthenware lamps, 2 plain ones on corners and one in the middle, with relief image of Pegasus
(s<ee> fig. no. 161)
. The coffin itself was filled to the brim with cremated bones. On top, there were 2 glass bottles, and amidst the bones there were gold pendant with convex oval garnet, loop and 3 short chains below
(s<ee> fig. no. 162)
, another, smaller gold pendant with heart-shaped garnet, without chains
(s<ee> fig. no. 163)
, 2 elongated pendants of rock crystal, 9 gold badges, quadrangular (portraying Nice) and circular, cap-shaped (the same as the ones from tomb no. 3), 5 pieces of sheet gold, broken chiseled bone handle, and 5 beads of green paste.
Earthenware urns were filled with cremated bones, covered by lids, and appeared to contain: one, perfectly fired, nearly polished, with name
glass bottle, bronze buckle and 3 pieces of sheet gold; another, with name of Alkineos, glass bottle and 2 pieces of sheet gold; the 3-rd, glass bottle, chiseled bone box, damaged by fire, bronze buckle, green paste bead, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; the 4-rth, gold hollow finger-ring with whitish carved stone, damaged by fire, broken bone ring, bronze buckle, and 3 pieces of sheet gold; the 5-th
, 26 gold badges, partly round, in the form of pointed caps, circles with stars and rosettes
(s<ee> fig. no. 164)
partly quadrangular, portraying Nice, birds, leaf, and arabesque
(s<ee> fig. no. 165,166,167,168)
, partly triangular, in the form of balls forming pyramid
(s<ee> fig. no. 169)
,and partly leaf-shaped, with eyelet
(s<ee> fig. no. 170)
, pair of big gold wire earrings, 3 pieces of sheet gold, and glass bottle.
Fig. 164 |
Fig. 165 |
Fig. 166 |
Fig. 167 |
Fig. 168 |
Fig. 169 |
Fig. 170 |
This catacomb was carved roughly, without niches and beds; the layer of crushed stone and soil above it is 8' <thick>. It is beyond any doubt that no one penetrated into the catacomb after the latest funeral was made.
- This child's tomb was lined with fine stone. It appeared to contain: 2 glass bottles, one of which is very small, 3 glass vessels bottoms, 7 glass circles, with one side convex, 4 glass beads, playing die, bone awl, 2 bone rings, grinding stone, 3 small iron knife blades, broken bronze spoon, big bronze cuff link, bronze lid for a vessel, plain earthenware lamp, 12 shells (one with wire ring) and 6 Roman bronze coins: 1 of Nero, 1 of Hadrian, 1 of Antoninus Pius, 2 of Marcus Aurelius, 1 worn off, with countermark on either side.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained glass cup
(s<ee> fig. no. 171)
, 2 glass bottles, and two bronze coins of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>,Taf. IV, no. 9).
- This child's tomb was lined with fine stone. <It contained:> gold wire earring, bone pendant in the form of human head
(s<ee> fig. no. 172)
, 8 amber and 10 glass beads, and 201 pierced beads of paste.
Fig. 171 |
Fig. 172 |
Fig. 173 |
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. It appeared to contain: earthenware juglet, 2 earthenware lamps with relief images of goat on one and dog on the other, 12 paste beads, round grinding stone, bronze brooch, bronze bell, bronze pendant in the form of toothed circle (s<ee> tomb no. 16), broken bronze ring, 2 bronze needles, bronze coin of Philippopolis of the time of Marcus Aurelius, with hole and wire loop.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Glass cup, broken glass bottle, ornamented oval leaf of gold
(s<ee> fig. no. 173)
, 6 paste beads, illegible broken Roman bronze coin, and bronze coin of the Bosporan king Thothorses of the year 591.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Pair of gold earrings, similar to the ones uncovered from tomb no. 3, but without stones, glass bottle, bronze buckle, fine grinding stone, 60 paste beads, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. IV, no. 10).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Earthenware cup with image of flower, earthenware juglet, earthenware plate, bronze expandable bracelet, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. V, no. 17).
Fig. 174 |
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Glass vessel
(s<ee> fig. no. 174)
, silver finger-ring, 24 glass beads, bronze buckle, iron knife blade, bronze needle, and 3 bronze coins of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. IV, nos. 2 and 8).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Earthenware plate, 4 earthenware lamps, of which 2 with relief images (of rooster on one and lion facing vase on the other) and 2 plain, earthenware cup, glass bottle, earthenware juglet, bronze bracelet, and bronze coin of Constantine III.
- This child's tomb was lined with fine stone. Broken glass bottle, earthenware cup, big paste bead, fragment of pointed bone with hole for hanging, earthenware circle with hole, broken egg, and bronze coin of Ininthimuos.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Earthenware cup, broken glass bottle, 16 glass beads, bronze pendant in the form of toothed circle (s<ee> tombs nos. 16 and 27), broken bronze brooch, silver earring, and bronze coin of Constans II.
- Crushed earthenware urn, with 3 broken glass bottles, bronze needle, 9 glass beads, and 4 pieces of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Shards of earthenware vessel under black slip (one has scratched letters …NIOY) and bronze coin of autonomous Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. III, no. 31).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. 2 earthenware juglets, plain earthenware lamp, bronze expandable bracelet, and fragment of polished agate.
- This lined with big stones tomb, 3 arch<ines> l<ong>, 1 arch<ine> w<ide>, and 1 arch<ine> high, was located near tomb no. 15. It contained 12 earthenware urns with cremated bones (9 single-handled, 1 double-handled, 1 with one big handle and two small handles, covered with plug and plastered with lime, and 1 lead, heavily damaged). The urns are 7 ½-9 ½ versh<oks> high. Two urns with old fracture were fastened, one with lead, another with mastic. The lead urn had impressed inscription
, one earthenware urn .
Although lead urn was covered with lead lid with bolts, it was heavily damaged and filled with soil.
Fig. 175 |
Fig. 176 |
Fig. 177 |
On the bottom of the tomb, there were 2 skeletons with the following goods around: 5 glass bottles, gold wire earring
(s<ee> fig. no. №175)
, 2 child's gold finger-rings with carved stones, gold bead, pendant of green paste in the form of laying lion, 2 glass pendants portraying figure of a man, standing, with club (?) in his left hand
(s<ee> fig. no. №176)
, and 4 from some composition, 5 amber beads, 20 beads of rock crystal and carnelian, 3 pierced glass shard beads, 35 glass and 13 agate beads, 2 bronze amulets (one herma-shaped, another bird-shaped), 2 bronze bracelets, 2 bronze buckles, and broken bronze belt. One urn, with three handles and plastered plug
(s<ee> fig. no. №177)
contained gold leaf only; another, lead one, appeared to include glass bottle, bronze buckle and piece of sheet gold; the 3-rd, iron knife blade, bent wire with beads and gnarled rings put on it, glass bottle, and piece of sheet gold; the 4-th, broken iron strigil, iron belt part, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; the 5-th, small grinding stone, broken glass circle (s<ee> tomb no. 24), 2 glass bottle, bone awl, bronze brooch, bronze needle, and piece of sheet gold; in the 6-th, piece of sheet gold; in the 7-th, glass bottle and piece of sheet gold; in the 8-th, broken iron ring and piece of sheet gold; in the 9-th, broken iron strigil, glass bottle, bronze buckle, grinding stone with hole, and 2 fragments of sheet gold; in the 10-th, fragment of sheet gold; in the 11-th, broken glass bottle, glass bead, and fragment of sheet gold; in the 12-th, broken glass bottle, broken bronze mirror, 4 glass beads, fragment of gold pendant, and fragment of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Small earthenware vessel, earthenware cup, and plain earthenware lamp.
Fig. 178 |
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Pair of gold earrings with cameos depicting head of Medusa and gold pendants
(s<ee> fig. no. 178)
, 1 carnelian, 28 coral and 198 glass beads, amber pendant, bronze buckle, sheep's knucklebone with hole, and bronze coin of Chersonesos with the year НО (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. IV, no. 2, but without year).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Bronze coin of autonomous Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, 1.1, p. 22, no. 9, with the name of Agasikles), and plain earthenware lamp under black slip.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. 42 glass beads, big faceted black bead, in the form of hemisphere, with 2 holes, 3 bronze buckles, 2 round plain bronze buckles with eyelets, semicircular bronze badge with eyelet, bronze ring (all are parts of a necklace), and head of terracotta statuette of a woman.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Bronze Greek coin of bad preservation, gold earring with pendant (the stone is missing), pair of silver earrings, and pair of silver bracelets.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Earthenware tureen under black slip, with initials scratched on its bottom, thin and high earthenware vessel without handles, 32 glass beads, and bronze coin of autonomous Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.>, Taf. III, no. 26; the name is worn off).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Broken earthenware vessel, amber bead, bead of blue stone, and bronze coin from Sinope.
- Earthenware urn with two curved handles
(s<ee> attached fig. no. 179)
, contained glass bottle, broken iron finger-ring, and 3 fragments of sheet gold.
Fig. 179 |
Fig. 180 |
Fig. 181 |
- Earthenware urn with one handle that contained glass bottle, glass bead and 2 pieces of sheet gold. Around the urn, there were 2 broken glass bottles, 5 earthenware lamps (1 with relief image of dog and 4 plain), slate tablets with the edges grinded off at one side (two similar tablets were uncovered from a tomb in 1890).
- Earthenware urn with single handle that contained broken iron strigil and piece of sheet gold.
- Earthenware urn in the form of long, double-handled Greek amphora
(s<ee> fig. no. 180)
that contained cremated bones only.
- Crushed earthenware urn with two handles. Bronze bracelet, silver earring, bronze brooch, bronze finger-ring, bronze needle, and 9 carnelian beads.
- Earthenware urn with no handles
(<ee> attached fig. no. 181)
; it contained glass bottle and piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone, with 2 fine earthenware vessel without handles, earthenware juglet, 16 glass beads, 2 carnelian, 1 amber and 2 gold beads, bronze child's bracelet, bronze brooch, bronze buckle, and bone awl.
- This tomb was faced with roof tiles. Broken earthenware juglet, 20 beads of some paste, 1 amber and 3 carnelian beads. Earthenware tureen under dark slip was leaned to the tomb from the outside.
Fig. 182 |
Fig. 183 |
Fig. 184 |
- This tomb was lined with fine stone in the way similar to tomb no. 2 (3½ arch<ines> long, 2 arch<ines> and 2 versh<oks> w<ide>, and 1 arch<ine> and 11 versh<oks> high). The slabs subsided and crushed 3 lead and 9 earthenware urns located in the tomb. One lead urn
(s<ee> fig. no. 182)
appeared to contain two glass bottles and 2 pieces of sheet gold; another lead urn contained broken glass bottle and elongated sheet of gold; in the 3-rd lead one, there were glass bottle and piece of gold; in the 4-th, bronze buckle and piece of sheet gold, in the 5-th, glass bottle, broken bone awl, 2 paste beads, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the 6-th, broken glass bottle and piece of sheet gold; in the 7-th, glass bottle, bronze brooch, bone circle with hole, broken bronze spoon, bronze ring, bronze buckle, and 2 pieces of sheet gold; in the 8-th, glass bottle, bronze brooch, 3 bronze buckles, and piece of sheet gold; in the 9-th, bronze buckle and piece of sheet gold; in the 10-th, glass bottle and piece of sheet gold; in the 11-th, glass bottle, broken bone awl, and piece of sheet gold; in the 12-th, 2 beads of green paste and piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb (2 arch<ines> and 8 versh<oks> l<ong>, 1 arch<ine> and 8 versh<oks> w<ide>, 1 arch<ine> d<eep>) was lined with stone slabs. Single-handled earthenware vessel in the form of young man's head
(s<ee> fig. no. 183)
, round glass bottle
(s<ee> fig. no. 184)
, terracotta statuette of Amur and Psyche kissing each other, fragment of terracotta statuette of woman, pair of miniature gold wire earrings, 2 pendants of rock crystal on wire, 2 bone, 3 jet and 4 glass pendants, and beads: 26 of carnelian, 14 of rock crystal, 3 of jet, 65 of glass (two by two or three by three), 12 of amber, 76 of paste, 14 of mosaic glass.
- Earthenware two-handled urn with wide mouth
(s<ee> fig. no. №185)
, that was covered with earthenware cup. Broken glass bottle, bronze earring, and piece of sheet gold.
- Two-handled earthenware urn
(s<ee> fig. no. №186)
with plastered plug made of bottom of a vessel. Small glass vessel in the shape of a tumbler with round bottom
(s<ee> fig. no. 187)
, fine gold wire earring, and piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Pair of earrings of twisted gold wire
(s<ee> fig. no. 188)
and 24 glass beads.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone and contained 2 bronze brooches, bronze buckles, bronze pendant in the form of gnarled ring (s<ee> t<omb> no. 38, urn III), 7 glass beads, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.,> Taf. V, no. 17).
Fig. 185 |
Fig. 186 |
Fig. 187 |
Fig. 188 |
Fig. 189 |
- Crushed earthenware urn; bone pendant, paste scarab, 30 glass beads, and piece of sheet gold.
- This tomb (1 arch<ine> and 12 versh<oks> l<ong>, 1 arch<ine> and 6 versh<oks> wide, 1 arch<ine> deep) was lined with stone slabs. From 5 urns located in it, 3 were crushed into smallest pieces and 2 survived: one is high, double-handled, another low and wide, double-handled, with two holes in the neck, above
(s<ee> attached fig. no.189)
. The first, high urn contained: glass bottle, damaged by fire; broken bone awl, gold oval badge, and 2 pieces of sheet gold. The other, low urn appeared to contain: broken glass bottle and three pieces of sheet gold. The finds collected from the between of the urns: earthenware juglet under yellow slip, earthenware cup under yellow slip also, 2 red-clay tureens, 2 earthenware lamps with relief images of lion on the fist and three standing figures of men on the second, 2 broken glass bottles, 4 bronze bracelets, bronze brooch, 2 carnelian pendants, 5 carnelian beads, 10 paste beads, 16 glass beads, 2 bone circle, and bronze colonial coin of Trajan.
Fig. 190 |
- This tomb was lined with roof tile and covered with slab. It was plundered, so bones of 3 persons buried in it were found disarticulated. Broken earthenware juglet, broken earthenware tureen, earthenware cup, earthenware lamp with relief image of figure of naked man with club or spear in his right hand, bronze bracelet, 2 broken bronze brooches, bronze needle, rock crystal bead, 4 paste beads, 10 glass beads, gold medallion with pressed into it image of Eros
(s<ee> fig. no. 190)
, and bronze coin from Amisos.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Earthenware juglet, earthenware cup, chiseled bone box, thick bronze bracelet with snake's heads, big bead of rock crystal, 30 carnelian and 16 amber beads, one jet bead, 10 beads of paste, 32 of glass, amulet of green paste in the form of human figure (the head is broken off), on wire loop, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.,> Taf. IV, no. 2).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. 8 paste beads, bronze bracelet, bronze coin of Claudius II (?) with the name of the city of Rudio
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. 2 broken glass bottles, broken twisted glass stick, shell, 10 glass beads, 4 fragments of pink pigment, and bronze coin of Chersonesos (s<ee> Köhne, <Op. cit.,> Taf. V, no. 18).
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. Glass bottle, 2 plain earthenware lamps, earthenware juglet, bronze circular mirror, and bronze buckle.
- This tomb was lined with fine stone. 2 earthenware cups, absolutely the same, fragment of bone comb decorated with fine circles, big oval gold leaf, and 6 glass beads.
- This lined with fine stone tomb was located in the upper layer, one archine from the ground surface. Plundered. It was covered with 3 fragments of thin marble slab, with inscriptions: Greek on top and Latin below. The beginning and considerable fragments of the left and top right sides are missing. Two fragments laid with the inscription down and one with inscription up. This slab was most likely transported to this area in the Byzantine period (s<ee> Materialy po arkheologii Rossii [Materials for the archaeology of Russia], no. 9, pp. 39-45).